Summer Safety Tips

Stay Hydrated with non-alcoholic or non-caffeinated drinks.

Sunscreen use – apply 15 minutes prior to and before bug spray.

Use proper PPE for summer activities – Sturdy hiking shoes, helmets, and life jackets.

Protect yourself from bug bites by wearing long light-colored clothing to help identify bugs on clothes. Use bug spray on clothes and exposed skin with 20% DEET or 0.5 % Permethrin spray for clothing and gear.

Pack first aid and emergency kits.

Check weather forecasts.

Camp smart! Dispose of garbage appropriately and always ensure your camp fire is extinguished and not left unattended.

Ensure you follow all wild animal advisories for the area you are in.

Protect your home – Keep social medica updates about travel set to private and avoid tagging places while away. Have someone check in on your house while you are away for extended periods of time and remember to keep doors and windows locked.

Remember to protect your animals from bugs and heat as well.