Did you know? July – Self Care Day


Self care is the ability of both individuals and communities to prevent disease, manage illness and disability, and to actively participate in health promotion (with or without direct support from their healthcare provider).


There are 7 components that make up self care, which are:

What can you do to participate in self care?

1). Engage in regular physical activity and make healthy food choices. Lifestyle changes like these are the first step in managing many chronic diseases (such as diabetes and hypertension)!

2). Reduce behaviours that directly increase your risk of disease or death (an example of this would be quitting smoking)

3). Pursue activities that bring you joy and satisfaction

4). Utilize services in your community to better your health and self care knowledge (ex. Your family provider, your local Primary Care Network, your pharmacy, etc). 

For more information visit:

The link for the “article” : Home – Self Care : Self Care (https://selfcare.ca)